Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lisa's Pages

Hi everyone! I'm so excited to meet everyone and have a fun time getting to know you all! So here are my pages!

Here is my first page... "Down on the FARM". There is room for (2) 4x6 photos. (They'll need trimmed a little)   

My second page...   "The best things..." 
There is room for (1) 4x6 photo OR (2) 3x3 cropped photos!

And last, the third page...   "SUMMER"
There is room for (2) cropped 4x4 photos.

Hope you all like them! See ya soon! 


  1. I can tell you're going to be a great addition to the group. Your pages are adorable!!!

  2. It will be fun getting to know you and doing your darling pages. I love all three of them!

  3. Welcome! I love your pages! :)

  4. So excited to meet you! Love your pages.
