Friday, February 5, 2016

Another one from Tammy

Ok, I just noticed that this layout is the same as Heidi's memories layout. We must both use Pinterest or we share a brain. I think we just both have great taste!  Anyway it uses 2 4x6 photos.  I did "this kid loves to" for everyone so you could use it for boy or girl photos. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tammy's cards

I know this may be too much of a shock for you that my pages AND cards are on the blog BEFORE our scrap day, but here it is. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Tammy's pages

This is what I've got so far!  I have a couple more in my little head but we will see if I get them done.  I still need to add more pictures to this one.   I plan on adding three or four 3x3 photos. 
This one takes one 5x7 or two 4x6 photos.  You could change it to "my guy" and put a picture of your hubby on this one too. 
This one could use pretty much any size of photos. 

Sunnie's Camping Page

This one is a double layout, using 2 horizontal 4X6's, 2 vertical 3X5's, and 2 3X3's

Heidi's pages for Feb Scrap

Two page layout with 2 4x6 v, 3 3x4, and one 3x3 all slightly trimmed.
Memories-2 4x6 v
Our Everyday-the space is for a 5x7.
Chillin' Out-I used a 4x6 h, 2 2x3 v, and a 3x4 h, but you can probably use whatever you want here.
Smile- have 3 girl ones and 3 boy ones of this layout. They're all slightly different but not too much. Pictures are 1 4x6 v and 1 3.5x5.5 h, both slightly trimmed. Besides Heather getting a boy one, let me know which one you want.

February 2016 Dani's Scrappy Goodness!